Monday, February 2, 2009

And to hell with it all.

I think I have had a change of heart on how to go about this "blog".
Really, who gives a whatever they have to give about my school life...
No one. That's what I thought.

Anyway, I've recently downloaded most of The Beatles Discography,
and I have to say, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, might just be my favorite :D

What's yours?

And here is something that I thought humorous about illegal downloading.

hailpc xlovee (9:06:38 PM): i feel bad about downloading the beatles illegaly cause Michael Jackson needs money.
hailpc xlovee (9:06:39 PM): lmao
go pop tarts (9:06:45 PM): hahaha
go pop tarts (9:06:47 PM): fuck him


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