Monday, December 29, 2008

Banana in Pajama

So far, i'm enjoying Winter Vacay and late nights and whatnot.
The past two days have been the nicest December days everrrr. i wish it was like this year round. :]

I miss BestFriendBaby though!! <2 :/ He returned to Ohio and from what i hear, he misses us too :[. The house seems really quiet since then. ughhh

Also, i watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button last night...
AHHHH<2 Best movie ever! Total must see ;]

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I Know You Know

So the last one was really long,
That one actually, i just copied and pasted from my MySpace. I just typed about the BEST CONCERT EVERR!! omg. So awesome.

I'm still Starstruck on how I got to MEET them FINALLY

This one will be short.

As of Now, 12:08, December 23,2008...
Even though i am really starstruck and i loved telling EVERYONE what happened.
I feel really alone. and I don't really know why...

The title of this one is from Taking Back Sunday- "This Photograph is Proof"

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Brace Yourselves...and ME

I'm a little late on this blog but whatever. :]


My brother, Juan, and i left early so we can miss traffic and maybe get a good spot in the venue but turns out the line was outside so we decided to go to the mall right next to the NorVa. I was hoping that we would run into them in the mall but no haha.

When we finally got inside the venue, Juan was like 'Isn't that one of them!?' [he doesnt really know who they are except Adam] and i did this really weird, fast pivot look thing and it was Matt Rubano!!! He gave me a high five and we talked for about 10 minutes about how Envy on the Coast were and how awesome is this December tour is haha. We got interuppted by some other man fan but we got our pictures taken together afterwards. We went to buy my Taking Back Sunday shirt and omg, the merch was really cheap. Other concerts are usually 30 for a shirt and like 50 for a hoodie but noooo, i was happy about that. haha And i tried looking for the other members of TBS but i didnt see any.

The local band got on and they were really good, Audio Strobelight? i think. and then Envy on the Coast got on. I never really listened to their stuff before but it was alright. They told the crowd to get in close as much as you can so no personal space for anyone hahah. And then .... TAKING BACK SUNDAY IS FINALLY ON!!!

I got caught in the moshpit because we had really good 'stands' but they kept swaying me and some nasty girl was all up in my 'grill' getting caught in it so i left to go find a better spot and i did! I was like 5 feet away from Matt Fazzi<2>I SWEAR, THEY WERE STARING AT ME WHILE PERFORMING. The fact that i was the tall one, wearing a hat, and a camera like 3 feet away from them probably got their attention. but I SWEAR. I was speechless when it processed it my head. Adam and Matt also did this cute little dance thing, they were just like jumping side to side, sooo cute. Adam talked about how great the NorVa was and it was back in '06 when he was there last. I loved when MattRubano introduced Fazzi in the Boxing guys voice. HAHAH and Adam was like 'You know, you get better and better at that voice everytime you do it' and both Matts were cracking up I love when they have conversations on stage. and Story telling is always awesome too.

Adam asked the crowd who was going to Denny's afterwards and the crowd went crazy so as soon as the show left i ran outside to meet with my brother and get a seat at Denny's! We got lost on the way there and it was really sketchy but we made it in time. At Denny's, the host was like, 'Would you like a table in the front or the back?' I Chose front because i wanted to see them come in not realizing that they were going to sit down in the back when they got there, so big mistake We ordered and waited until i was looking out the window and i saw Matt Rubano's leather jacket!! AHHH. And one by one they walked in and i waved to Mark, Eddie and MattR. I dont remember doing anything towards Adam though, i think i was like overwhelmed that he was 3 feet away from me and how tall he really is!! But Matt Rubano remembered us from our earlier encounter and was like 'Heyy guys!!' and it was awesome. MattR,Fazzi and Mark went to the bathroom at one point or another and I had the chance to like say hey to them because our table was somewhat in the way towards the bathroom so maybe a table in the front wasnt so bad. But when i went to use the restroom, i was walking back and MATT FAZZI was walking toward me and i said Hi to him and he was like Heyyy! and I didnt really want to stop and talk, seeing as he was on his way to the bathroom, so awkwardd lol But we ate for a little bit, and we kinda ate slow because we wanted to actually HAVE A REASON TO STAY and not just stare at Taking Back Sunday, 10 feet away, all night long haha. Their table was constantly bombarded with fans and we decided not to be rude and let them eat so we just sat and waited until ADAM LAZZARA goes out for a smoke! haha my brother wanted to talk to him so we went outside. I talked to Adam for like 5 minutes because of the other fans, but we talked about the Show tonight, and how i saw them at Projekt Rev last year and i think he was extremelyyy exhausted cause he was like out of breath and he didnt say much, like 'Oh yeah? that's awesome thanks for coming' and 'YeahYeah sounds good' but we took our pictures and Adam even laughed at me because while my brother was taking the picture, he was shaking and i called him out and Adam Laughed At Us or my comment While we were getting our picture taken, i was like "Awh Adam, we have matching jackets!" and he was like "Ha yeah we do" His voice was really calm and "exhausted-ly" though. but it was still astronomical! And while someone asked him to sign their shirt, he didnt have a pen on him and I did [He used the sharpie i brought wit me to sign our shirts] and he was like, "Heyy can i borrow your pen again?" and i dont know why, but that was pretty much exciting. And he said Thank You to me. I can say to people that i helped him out. Even though it was really small favor, the least i can do. HAHAHAH Then. we went inside to finish meeting the rest of the band, Mark, Fazzi [officially] and Eddie. Matt Rubano went somewhere for a while and Adam was still talking to fans outside. Surprisingly, Denny's was not as packed as i thought. Some fans ate in and most came in and out after they met with them but hm, not packed at all. I met Mark O'Connell and he was pretty cool like when we took our picture together, I asked my brother to do it over and he was like, "Was it me? Was I making a funny face?" ahaha<2.>MATT FAZZI ahhhhhh. We had a really good conversation like we talked about his AMP that said, "Fazztallica, Fazz the Lightning" and how i liked it and it was funny and he was like, "OMG you are the 5th person tonight that has mentioned it! I did it couple nights ago and not very many people noticed etc etc" and he had the cutest face and the most excited one when i said it. He's soooo sweet and nice. Omg. Eddie walked out for some reason and Adam was sitting at the table and Matt Fazzi was like "Hey Adam,whatcha doing?" and Adam was like, "hey man nothing much just chilling" and Fazzi was like, "How about you get up here with us and take some pictures together" Hahaha. So my brother got a picture with them too and i decided i wanted one also. As i was fixing the camera for my brother, i was backing up into between them and I STEPPED ON ADAMS SHOE. omg, i was like "Ahhh sorry" with the most horrified face ever, i mean it was no big deal but i made look that way with that face of mine and he was just like, "Oh it cool, no problem" So we took our picture and i asked Adam again to resign my shirt because my pen was too thin. And its almost coming to an end I was talking to them after our picture and i was like "Man we have to go, I still have school tomorrow" and Fazzi was like "awh, school sucks" ahha i was like "Yeah, sorta" lolol We said our goodbyes and it was really quick But on the way out, we saw that Matt Rubano came back from somewhere and got our shirts signed and a last picture with him! Outside, we saw Eddie talking to the cops that were there, and he was soo sweet. I was talking to him about SWEAT during the concert and it was really random and i complimented his scarf hahah and signed our shirts. When we got to the car, my brother was like let's have Eddie write To Our names on here so we walked back and awkwardly asked him to. He didnt know how to spell my name so i spelled it out for him hahah so cute. and that was it.

The end of the best night EVERRR,
i miss it so much. There were like a million things i wanted to say to them too but i just blanked out because i was overwhelmed. hahah