Monday, October 20, 2008


I've come to the realization of how much i LIE a lot. I don't lie to hurt feelings of another nor do i lie to make me sound better, worse, or SELF-PITY. That's the worst of them all. Srsly, tell the truth, maybe you, yourself, is a lot sadder than what you have already lied about.

I'm not criticizing anyone, just saying.
But ANYWAY, i've realized how much i LIE. I lie for fun and occasionally get away with stuff but none of the other stuff above. The way i LIE for fun is lying about my name [which is a favorite of mine] and lying... i don't know whatever comes my way that I find funny.

So, today, I was doing a MySpace surveys and it asked, "What Was Your Last Dream About" and i replied. Several minutes later, I read my survey and during those several minutes, I actually was convinced that what I wrote was actually my dream! Well I reread my survey, and said to myself,

"Oh my gosh, i just remembered my original dream and that's not it".
"...that's not it"

If you know me well, you are sure to know that the POTENTIAL of the human brain always, and forever interests me. Often, I think about BEING all the different ways of thinking. No matter if it's delusional, hallucinations, or even schizophrenia. I LIKE IT ALL.

With this realization, I have to ask.
Am I really lying so much to the extent that I'm not believing it all?
Whoa man, EXCITING!

"If the sky were to suddenly open up,
there would be no law, there would be no rule.
There would only be you and your memories."