Monday, May 25, 2009

Hey Hey!

It's been forever, I know.
I'm just here to give the best dream ever, I had.
Well I have had a lot of the best dreams, but this one is pretty pretty cool. Haha

I had the coolest dream.

It started with a random house with undistinguishable people, and Robert Downey Jr!! And Johnny Depp was his roomate. It was some sort of a party, and so Johnny Depp went into his room to watch tv, while I stood at the doorway because something was happening out in the living room. Robert Downey Jr. was blowing bubbles everywhere! And then Johnny went to take a shower. In the dream...I had this idea to play "not breathing" in his room, so when he came out of the shower, he would give me mouth to mouth. HAHAHA but in the dream, I remember I couldnt slow my heart beat down because it was going so fast with the scheme so I dropped it.

I guess, it was Christmas time in the dream? Because Christmas lights were on and it was snowing. So then the dream transcends to Johnny Depp's Christmas party, WITH MY FAMILY, but it was at his house. I go into the bathroom to take a MySpace picture because, I mean I was at Johnny Depp's house!! Who wouldn't. I even accidently turned the bathtub on because it was like high tech hygeine machine, I freaked and decided I would look outside the window of the bathroom, and there's this crazy futuristic wheel of a Vespa [i was talking about it so much last night] that finds itself home? I don't know but it was cool! A glimpse into the future? Maybe, haha.

SO anyway, I'm in the bathroom of Johnny Depp's house and I walk out cause someone had to use it for real. LOL. I walk out and I see Robert Downey Jr, this time in his room, watching tv. We talk, though I can't really remember what we talked about, but he invited me to watch tv with him!! I died, his bed was huge. Like Massive and he invited me! He even laughed at me because I tried fixing the sheets and all Hahaha.

AND then the dream ended, dammit.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I hate school.
Ready for Summer '10!
not '09 but '10.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Quick, KciuQ

Wake Up.
Photography Club.
Five Guys with Scott and Maggie.
Homework.=Tumblr= BlogTV/MitchellDavis= Quotes= Twitter= MS/FB
Back to Homework.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Just leave the epic poem on its yellowed page

Well I just had the best weekend ever. A very, very much needed weekend.
I went back to my old town of Gloucester and spent the weekend with some old friends.

It was such a refreshing awakening when I realized I really miss everything about this place. And the people of course. Oh the people... i'm in love with the people/////////

I was in Gloucester because of Disciple Now '09 with Providence Baptist Church. And it was from Friday Night to Sunday Morning. We, the juniors and seniors of GHS, (except me of course) stayed at Anne and Ed Hogge's house. It was me, Kristin Handy, Megan Turner, Taylor Sites, Jin Adams, David Sigmon and several others. There was too many laughs to even keep track and like most of these laughs, I found them funny and because I found them funny, people just caught on to my laughs. Hahaha. Omg I love this weekend so much! I'll just make a list of the good ole laughs, only because for my benefit of never forgetting them.

-David through a piece of candy and the middle school boys and predicted a fight. He was right.
-Me ridiculously imitating Lil Jon during the songs on Friday. Only cause David told me to.
-Monkey Hands. 'nough said.
-Mad Gab with everyone :D HELLO DOLLY
-Several way to PEACE OUT. Hand motions by me and david.
-Dirty and Thirty have come together and made a new word. Dhirty Pictures.
-Sleeptalking or was I ?
-"Wouldn't it be funny to feed me grapes? let's do it!"
-the shed!
-Spinach and Artichoke hummus on my face, ewz. Thanks David.
-Forks! (self explanatory)
-Good times in the picnic area.
-WALMARTT and then Dollar Tree :)
-Walmart with serial killers.
-Purses and Scarves flying out on the road. terrifying.
-At the Mahoney's backyard, Sunset <3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 173px; height: 231px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5326944336698679666" border="0">

I love it. and I guess I'm funnier than I thought...Hm.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

No song unsung, no wine untasted

So, I have been posting videos up and it is unlike me I guess.
But, I came across one yesterday that was indescribable. And I'm here to say that it brought tears to my eyes. It wasn't your typical tears of simple enjoyment or tears of self-pity.

Watch this video and you would understand (hopefully) that the tears that came down my face were the tears that you encounter only a handful of times in a lifetime. Genuine tears because someone else's pure bliss is reaching you. Someone unknown, just a typical face you see in the street has reached you ...even though it is through the internet which is the unfortunate thing.

I have yet to feel these genuine tears face to face.
I've only felt genuine tears once before and it wasn't the blissful kind but the exact opposite. They was not self-pity tears either or death or anything of that sort. It was just the purest form of emotion, it was gahhh. It's difficult to describe but I know I have only done it once.

Genuineness of Happy Tears- 0
Genuineness of Dismal Tears- 1
Genuineness of Happy Tears Over the Internet- 1


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Plain Titles.

So, I don't know if you guys know but I'm not really fond of girl singers, country music, or like the repetitive Colbie Cailat kind of music but there is this song that I have been listening to consistently. When I say consistently, I mean non-stop, Repeat only One, consistently. Ahhhh.

She's a MySpace artist and EP stage of her career so no one really knows about her but Shane Dawson advertises her because they are making a video together and yeah, that's how I found her.

The guys in her music video are from several tv shows and Chase from House is the dentist!!! Ahhh what a total british sexpot. Besides Christian Bale of course<22 Oh yeah, his real name is Jessie Spencer haha not Chase..


Monday, April 13, 2009

Words were missed then, some apology.

It is now the last day of Spring Break and I had the strangest feeling when writing this blog. I felt like I was obligated to actually write a blog and that people NEEDED it. Strange.

I do wish one day that people feel the compulsion to talk and listen to me.

I need a hair cut, but just a trim.
It has been a whole year since I first realized the long hair solves everything.
Not sure what 'everything' is, but it's out there. I'll let you know.

Spring Break, I found out that I'm a homebody.
I mean I love roadtrips and company, but nothing beats the comfort of your own space.

The company, I've missed the most.
Lately, I have felt alienated to spend time with new friends and old friends. I'm not really sure why, actually. But I hope this passes. Don't people say that high school may or may not be the lonliest years of your life? Well I think it applies both, the second half may be the lonely part.

Along with feeling alienated, I'm going through ART BLOCK. Like writers' block, but for art and creativity. And it's taking a toll on my photography class.

Those pictures are for my ENTRAPTMENT concentration project and it relates perfectly with this blog. Alienations and Aimlessness.

Friday, April 10, 2009

and it has Commenced...

June 19, 2009---Concert at the National!! Richmond, Va!

I'm more than stoked and counting the days!
a real weirdo fan would say "...counting the the seconds within the minutes within the hour"
and! a really really weirdo fan would say "...counting the breaths of each band member and subtracting it from the day we meet again..."

but lets not get crazy.
"totes mos ridic not me" ahah

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

jai ho.

So, I'm now 17. March 26. w00t
and i'm hopelessly in love with the Slumdog Millionaire Sountrack and my new LG Glyde.

It is highly recommended.

Birthday was fun. Presents include
-more vinyl! (Madonna-Like a Virgin and Band on the Run)
-bath and body work stuff
-Beatles Book<2

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It wasn't true, but anyway

I've always denied other people saying I'm clumsy, not with my body but with things I hold in my hand.

I, in fact, am really really, extremely, clumsy.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it.

I realized today,
that there is barely any sincerity in people anymore.
And I found a Post Secret for this, even though I'm not entirely sure if it applies correctly or not.

People are "phony".

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I climbed to dharamsala too, I did

I look back at my two previous Blogs and
man, I forgot my taste for LIFE. and the optimism and the perks.

Thanks to BestFriendBaby being here<2
and Vampire Weekend<22 Fresh sound to my ears hah

I finished reading The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald.
and Honestly, the best book since The Catcher in the Rye.
I love it so and Robert Redford who starred in the movie, what a total sexpot. ;)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I've got desperate desires and unadmirable plans

This point in life everyone is distraught about their future.
I am, more than I thought I'd be. I just want to sail.

That's as ambitious as I'll get.
Not really, but It's an escape from everything.

Friday, February 20, 2009

What a disappointment, I had it perfectly

So it has been a while since I've blogged and I return...
Not with fame, glory, or "money". That is what is expected right?
No. Only if you're Michael Phelps or fucking Napoleon Bonaparte.

I return with unwashed hair, headbands and an adversity.
This week, misfortune showed up in my life like a terrible sickness. Wait, no, not sickness because to say "sickness", I would be literal about so said, "sickness". I do not want to be literal, I'm never literal, so why start now? This said sickness is a constant visitor...ask.

But no, the downs of life crept up like a terrible neighbor spying over fences... Eh, funny right? I don't have a fence, so that would make me a liar because I do not know what it is like to have an awful neighbor of that sort.

I'd like to share a story of what has happened with this week but I'd like to shorten it.

--Boy meet girl. Girl likes boy, instant attraction. Boy asks girl out on a date. Days went by with little or no significant conversation. Weekend, nothing. Little or no significant conversation.Boy meets other girl. Boy and Girl hit it off. Former girl waiting and waiting, DONE.

Life has its ups and down, and well, all of it is relative to the next person. and this could not possibly the worst thing in the world. I understand, it's just that I disregard the feeling of despair or any feelings, frankly, when it comes to "social" problems.
But, this one may have just hit the spot. Like bad whiskey.

Ben Gibbard has been there in the form of,
"Your heart is an Empty Room" and Lights with "Ice".

Monday, February 2, 2009

And to hell with it all.

I think I have had a change of heart on how to go about this "blog".
Really, who gives a whatever they have to give about my school life...
No one. That's what I thought.

Anyway, I've recently downloaded most of The Beatles Discography,
and I have to say, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, might just be my favorite :D

What's yours?

And here is something that I thought humorous about illegal downloading.

hailpc xlovee (9:06:38 PM): i feel bad about downloading the beatles illegaly cause Michael Jackson needs money.
hailpc xlovee (9:06:39 PM): lmao
go pop tarts (9:06:45 PM): hahaha
go pop tarts (9:06:47 PM): fuck him


Thursday, January 22, 2009


My last two exams out of three was today and i'm Done!!
So happy. :] and I'm having a totally fantastic hair day
And for some reason, during exams I took a lot of pictures in my classrooms LOL.

I don't even know what I'm blogging about but whatever.
For the first in the longest time, I actually logged onto on AIM. And as soon as I sign on, i get mass amount of IMs [why thank you, thank you :P] haha just kidding. But it was so weird, it has been THAT long i've been "gone". The IMs were mainly from my old school :/ and just catching up with soooo much stuff. So much stuff, I think I got cramps in my fingers, i think. Haha. Um, I'm a pretty nostalgic person and it was just so bizarre. I was really sad today at my painting exam because it was the last class with those people and Ms.Gifford, so sad. I enjoy having an art class at the end of the day, it's so relaxing. Next semester, I am taking Photography which I am really stoked about but I heard you get a lot of projects, ahhhh lame. Photography should not be schoolish stressful, it should be relaxing and easy going. I've been using that word a lot lately, Bizarre.

Someone told me I was a fangirl for someone who is not
I admit I'm a total fangirllll for TAKING BACK SUNDAY <2

[Those pictures were from Spanish class After my exam and Art class!]
--Don't hate on my banana :P

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Alt. World! Not really.

So today in art class, something bizarre was happening.
It was the last official day of painting class and we were just hanging out and watching this documentary on Michel Kondry? which was extremelyyy cool. Look him up :]

Anyway, I was just sitting there, just minding my own business
and my teacher told everyone to find a seat so they can watch the movie comfortably
and this guy, who usually hardly talks to me but he's really "class clownish" and hilarious
so he gets a seat next to me and he goes, "hey boo, bondinggg time!!!"
I mean, those kinds of situations, i just go along with it. I'm not like okay? dont touch me. LOL

We're watching the movie,
he starts like playing with my hair...Again, i'm not like DONT TOUCH ME!!!
It kinda seems like he's on something, but i was not really sure..haha
then he starts playing "footsie"with me and then he put his arm around me...
still, just going with it. I mean no big deal but totally bizarre.
...starts playing with my hair again, then threats to "break up" with me. LOLOL

it was just really strange.


It matters not.

It's 12:45 and I'm still awake doing my prostitution essay...
Oh My, Exam Week will be nothing but a thorn in my side.

That's be all. :]

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Comic Books.

Just yesterday, I took my Chemistry SOL and it was SO much easier than the practice SOLs were. Wtf. I hate when that happens. So much stress and effort put into "preparing" and the real thing is not even worth it.

Well whatever, I got the scores back today and I got a pretty decent grade. I mean I'm happy with it but when I mentioned it to my mom, she said I needed to excel more...Hello I got a 459! It's good enough.

I haven't blogged much but I guess all I am really going to talk about is School. Midterms are up and stressful as can be. I've been staying after to Recycle for Key Club so YAY ME! Doing the world better with one can or bottle at a time. Haha I am so corny. The only thing I can't stand about the recycling is when people do not know how to recycle and empty the remnants of their drink in the can, ew! I stay after with Katy and Evelyn :] and it's our bonding time hahah just kidding, it's whatever but fun though. IDK I'm confusing myself.

Today, I was on my way to my astronomical art class [which happens to be done now :/]. Wait, let me start with this first. Don't you ever just walk down the hall and see all the different groups of people talking about the most random thing? Well, again, I was on my way to Painting class and for some reason I thought it was the funniest thing! This guy was on the phone and he says, "Mom, I need a new pair of that has more power in it". HAHAHA okay, it's not as funny as it sounds written on here. But I walked to my art class, downstairs, laughing the whole way. When he said that, I just got Cyclops in my mind...from XMEN. How geeky of me :/ Too funny though.

Speaking of XMEN or comics in general, In chemistry class, our assignment was to create a license plate using elements from the Periodic Table. Only a geek would think of the one I made up. I chose Kr [Krypton] and my license plate was LIVNKr...HAHAHAH oh pia, pia.

Yet, i have another comic book story-ish story.
As you all know, I'm in Painting class which i love so much and the past two weeks I've been working on my final project and it was of that ASTRONOMICAL night ever, The Taking Back Sunday concert and its in a format of a giant comic strip. Looks really good I think so :]

Well that's all.
Oh and in English class, we are reading about Prostitution. :O

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Feng Shui?

I have school tomorrow and all winterbreak,
I've felt completely unproductive.
To change that, I have rearranged my room. Yay!

This was a pointless one.
But I just wanted to establish in some way that I spent my vacation wisely :]
And I do enjoy having a trail of toys in my doorway, no sarcasm either.


Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy Birthday.

No, it's not my birthday. That's not until 3 more months :]

But I'm saying, Happy Birthday because it is now 2009!
It's really hard to believe but what can you do about it. 2008 was really "one of those years" that's memorable because of various reasons. One, being that I went to a new school and I STILL don't know how I feel about it. Is it even possible to procrastinate on establishing a feeling about something? Hahah. and Two, I'll just say "events".

Things To Look Forward to in 2009:
- Taking Back Sunday's New Cd---New Again.
-Being a Senior! --Whatever school it may be :/
-SATs and ACTs, --I think I'm looking forward to that...IDK

And, I don't really know what else. Hahah
My New Years Resolution? Oh, about that, I have no clue.

That's me on NewYearsEve, "partying" it up
and I'm completely fine with that. I spent the night with the family, eating, and Dick Clark ;] (or should I say RYAN SEACREST :[ ) Half of the family was also in Florida, but I don't really mind staying home for this or any other night. Say hello to my iTouch from Christmas.