Monday, April 13, 2009

Words were missed then, some apology.

It is now the last day of Spring Break and I had the strangest feeling when writing this blog. I felt like I was obligated to actually write a blog and that people NEEDED it. Strange.

I do wish one day that people feel the compulsion to talk and listen to me.

I need a hair cut, but just a trim.
It has been a whole year since I first realized the long hair solves everything.
Not sure what 'everything' is, but it's out there. I'll let you know.

Spring Break, I found out that I'm a homebody.
I mean I love roadtrips and company, but nothing beats the comfort of your own space.

The company, I've missed the most.
Lately, I have felt alienated to spend time with new friends and old friends. I'm not really sure why, actually. But I hope this passes. Don't people say that high school may or may not be the lonliest years of your life? Well I think it applies both, the second half may be the lonely part.

Along with feeling alienated, I'm going through ART BLOCK. Like writers' block, but for art and creativity. And it's taking a toll on my photography class.

Those pictures are for my ENTRAPTMENT concentration project and it relates perfectly with this blog. Alienations and Aimlessness.

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