Monday, April 20, 2009

Just leave the epic poem on its yellowed page

Well I just had the best weekend ever. A very, very much needed weekend.
I went back to my old town of Gloucester and spent the weekend with some old friends.

It was such a refreshing awakening when I realized I really miss everything about this place. And the people of course. Oh the people... i'm in love with the people/////////

I was in Gloucester because of Disciple Now '09 with Providence Baptist Church. And it was from Friday Night to Sunday Morning. We, the juniors and seniors of GHS, (except me of course) stayed at Anne and Ed Hogge's house. It was me, Kristin Handy, Megan Turner, Taylor Sites, Jin Adams, David Sigmon and several others. There was too many laughs to even keep track and like most of these laughs, I found them funny and because I found them funny, people just caught on to my laughs. Hahaha. Omg I love this weekend so much! I'll just make a list of the good ole laughs, only because for my benefit of never forgetting them.

-David through a piece of candy and the middle school boys and predicted a fight. He was right.
-Me ridiculously imitating Lil Jon during the songs on Friday. Only cause David told me to.
-Monkey Hands. 'nough said.
-Mad Gab with everyone :D HELLO DOLLY
-Several way to PEACE OUT. Hand motions by me and david.
-Dirty and Thirty have come together and made a new word. Dhirty Pictures.
-Sleeptalking or was I ?
-"Wouldn't it be funny to feed me grapes? let's do it!"
-the shed!
-Spinach and Artichoke hummus on my face, ewz. Thanks David.
-Forks! (self explanatory)
-Good times in the picnic area.
-WALMARTT and then Dollar Tree :)
-Walmart with serial killers.
-Purses and Scarves flying out on the road. terrifying.
-At the Mahoney's backyard, Sunset <3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 173px; height: 231px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5326944336698679666" border="0">

I love it. and I guess I'm funnier than I thought...Hm.

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